Photo Enhancement

Hue Map

after hue map

Appeared grainy after hue map adjustments.

summer clothes

Original photo

hue map

Adjust/softness added

adjust soften

Adjust/negative image added for air travellers.

adjust negative


monkey, man and histogram window dressing

One little girl who has been wishing for summer decided to decorate her windows with warm weather images. Unfortunately there was not enough sun for a good photo, so I used histogram to lighten things up, selection and hue map to add some green outside, clone tool to repair that chipped paint on the right, and copy, paste, rotate and smudge to add a top frame.

after histogram before histogram

I took the above image and played histogram with it to get the image below. While I don't love it, I do love the histogram and hue map and believe I will find appropriate applications for both of them.

after histogram

We've had a long, icy winter.

Thanks for looking.