Stick to the Script

original script script change interactive change
Original script with drop shadow added Changed to green in script editor Changed intereactively during run script

my first script

I created this script to put a frame around existing images. Some presentations require a repetition of creating the same frame or other effect over and over again. Relieve the tedium of repetitive steps by scripting them.

This simple script, creates a new layer, fills it with white and adds another empty raster layer on top of it. Ready to start creating. new image script
Then I came up with the idea of creating a script that will make a pattern of any image. The pattern could be used to create a bg like the one behind this paragraph. The final script is a background generator. Start with any image. Press the run script button to go through a series of steps ending in a seamless background tile like the one used on this page and the one behind this paragraph. I redid the script to copy, paste and close the original image so I would not have to worry about losing my original image.