Week 5 Animations

Week 5 Animations

Blue's Clues flag text
Blue's FLAG effect
Quidditch flag
The Quidditch WAVE

Sparkling Quidditch
The Quidditch SPARKLE
rotating colors inside textMy rotating colors had refused to rotate. I was directed to:
Animation Shop—>
Animation Properties—>
Repeat the animation indefinitely.

I used the UNDERWATER IMAGE EFFECT for the two images below. I thought the house was galloping; my DH thought it was going to be sick. I wanted to make the clown gallop, but he became a mime trapped in a box.
galloping houseclown in a box

Grace going down the drain

I used preset shapes light bulb and heart 3 to make the logo. Used Insert image effects: 4 fps, 1.4 sec; Font Funstuff 18 bold centered. Flag Text left 19, Text top 50. Wave angle 18, Distortion angle 97, Wavelength 122, Wave height 11color:#5B0f0f.