Little Sweetie's red-eye is more of a white-eye.
Automatic red-eye removal.
Cosmo suffers with severe red-eye. And not just in photos! His natural red-eye makes it easier to find him after dark.
Automatic red-eye removal worked wonders for him. Although it seems to have taken the spark from him.
One of Lauretta's eyes went red and Sweetie went white again.
First I used automatic red-eye removal and then point-to-point to correct three eyes. I tried to match Lauretta's red eye to her normal eye.
I was not totally pleased with the results using the scratch removal tool, so I revisited my old pal smudge.
The modern drake prefers a more colorful companion.
Maybe modern man would prefer more color, too.
Here's Lauretta with her new red Fender six-string. The flash didn't go off and she was left in the dark. I used Automatic Color Balance, Automatic Contrast Enhancement, Automatic Saturation Enhancement and unsharp mask to bring her into the light. Still not good enought o send to Grandma, but quite a difference.