Baby's babies

plumMeanwhile, Baby's babies were still smaller and in their original home. While we added various foods to the cage, Baby continued to nurse. She also continued to move the pups around the cage. She seemed a more nervous mother than Zebra. Having had such a succesful move with Zebra's family, we decided it was time relocate Baby and her pups.

Baby and pup

peanutThey were moved into their own 10-gallon tank with water bottle, wheel, one big hut and two feeding bowls. They loved it. So tiny five could fit in the feeding bowl at one time. Two would get in the wheel and try running in opposite directions. One leaf of Romaine lettuce would provide an edible tent for the whole clan. We watched them more intently than television.


Baby weaned her pups. One or two wanted to continue nursing, but she would push them away. We would hear them squeal, but she employed tough love.

Baby started to hide out in the hut most of the time. She was not as protective or aggressive as Zebra. Her pups remained tiny and easy to hold. MacKenzie managed to hold all eight in her cupped hands at one time.

group lunchNow we could see more interaction among the pups. Pups would battle each other for a prized seed from the hamster mix, then nestle together at nap time. They would push each other away from the water bottle. They would swarm when a few lettuce leaves were dropped in the cage.

long to hold themromaine handful?