Working the Lists

CSS for this page

body  {margin: 40px 200px 40px 100px;}
UL  {color: navy; list-style-image: url(listbul.gif);}
OL  {color: maroon;}
DL  {color: #000000;}
DT  {text-decoration: overline;}
UL, OL {padding: 5px;
border: medium dashed purple;} 

The lists types are color-coded as follows:

  1. Ordered lists: maroon
  1. This is the default list-style-position for an ordered list.
  2. This is an example of list-style-position: outside; in an ordered list. The numeral was not visible until a rule of padding-left: 25px; was added.
  3. This is an example of list-style-position: inside; in an ordered list
  1. This is the same list as above with this list item added and padding-left: 25px; subtracted.
  2. This is the default list-style-position for an ordered list.
  3. This is an example of list-style-position: outside; in an ordered list. The numeral was not visible until a rule of padding-left: 25px; was added.
  4. This is an example of list-style-position: inside; in an ordered list
  1. This is the default list-style-position for an ordered list.
  2. This is an example of list-style-position: outside; in an ordered list. The numeral was not visible until a rule of padding-left: 25px; was added.
  3. This is an example of list-style-position: inside; in an ordered list
  1. This is the same list as above with this list item added and padding-left: 25px; subtracted.
  2. This is the default list-style-position for an ordered list.
  3. This is an example of list-style-position: outside; in an ordered list. The numeral was not visible until a rule of padding-left: 25px; was added.
  4. This is an example of list-style-position: inside; in an ordered list
Click here to see these rules added to the embedded style:
UL OL {border:none;}
OL UL {border:none;}
UL OL LI {list-style-type: decimal; color:red;} 
ul ul  {list-style-image: none; list-style-type: square;}